The Utah Science Standards K-5 and 9-12 Draft (SEEd)

Utah Science Standards: The Forced Re-Education of Your Child and What You Should Do about it

The Utah State Science Standard Draft for grades K-5 and 9-12 are out for a 90-day public review.

What you need to do:

  1. Attend the Science Standards Hearings (Jan 22 is the first Hearing Meeting) - We can also help you prepare and gain understanding (Issues with the draft - meetings).
  2. Sign our petition.
  3. Learn About the Survey, then go to the Survey Monkey Form.
  4. Write letters and emails to the State Science Specialist:
  5. Write letters and emails to your Board Member.


The proposed standards are simply a reformatting of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)1 2. The NGSS is the science complement to Common Core3 and its further adoption will continue to negatively impact our youth and lead to moral degeneration. The current standards suffer from some of these same problems4, but these standards go further in indoctrinating our youth in areas that are contrary to many recent scientific discoveries and long held societal values. When it comes to the liberal agenda of global warming or Darwinian evolution, objectivity is gone and students are driven to predetermined and politically decided conclusions.

Please share this with your friends, and visit to post your support with us.

Before each public hearing we will be hold meetings to help you and your friends know what is being taught in the standards and some information challenging what they propose to teach.

See the meeting schedule

Contact Info
Ricky Scott
K-12 Science Education Specialist
Utah State Board of Education
(801) 538-7808
250 E. 500 S.
P.O. Box 144200
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200
Further contact info see ( click)

1 Poor and incompetent USOE comparisons have been made in the past which had to be redone, ie 6-8 grade. This USOE prepared comparison may be fair

2 This is an example of 6 - 9 after being redone. USOE did poor job in past of these comparisons.

4 Utah K-5 and 9-12 Science Standards Issues and Recommendations,

5 Utah's Deceptive Science Standards Adoption,

6 Grades 6-8 standards have already been adopted using the NGSS foundation see

8 Wording from the draft is clear in this issue. example BIO 4.1 Also papers written by Utah Educators and published in science and educational journals show their intent and approach on this topic. For details see: Faith in Evolution Intervention Program, and also

9 Many examples could be shared, but in the interest of space, we share: Are We Facing Extinction? Research Challenges Evolution,

10 Another summary: Utah K-5 and 9-12 Science Standards Issues and Recommendations,

11 Like the current science standards the proposed draft standards suffer from this defect. See Utah K-5 and 9-12 Science Standards Issues and Recommendations,